Team Member Spotlight: Jessica Michalko, Accounts Receivable Specialist

Audrey Fairbrother
February 17, 2021
Team Member Spotlight: Jessica Michalko, Accounts Receivable Specialist

Here at Engine, we believe a company is only as extraordinary as its people. We’ve dedicated ourselves to improving the lives of business travelers and want to show off the people who help make that happen. On a regular basis, we will introduce one of our amazing team members to showcase the folks behind the scenes of Engine.

In her role on the Finance team, Jessica Michalko (pronounced Mi-hal-ko) always brings her enthusiasm, passion and sense of humor in helping her team solve problems. Learn more about Jessica below.

Where are you from?

Hackettstown, NJ for the first 18 years, but I have lived in Plymouth, NH, Alexandria, VA, and most recently, Nashville, TN.

Do you have a nickname at work?


What’s your favorite part about your team?

Everyone on my team is always willing to help. We support each other and we celebrate each other’s wins. We are such a fun group! My team is my little work family that I truly appreciate and adore!

What’s your spirit animal and why?

Tough one. I don’t necessarily connect with a spirit animal -- more like spirit animalS. I could be a panda as they are calm, peaceful and grounded. They are super cute and I loved visiting the pandas at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo when I lived in Alexandria, VA . Now, I just have to settle for their Giant Panda Cam. I also relate to being a butterfly. I have lived and moved to five different states in under 10 years, so similar to a butterfly, I’ve gone through a sense of rebirth and transformation through all points of my life. I’m constantly looking for change, whether it is inviting something new into my life (most recently, it has been yoga) or letting something go that no longer fulfills my life. It is the lightness that comes with a butterfly I enjoy; just float away if it is not serving your internal soul.

What do you love about working for Engine?

I am appreciated! To some it might sound simple, but to me, being appreciated for you, your work, your time, and your knowledge is huge. It is something I have looked for in a company to have in its employees -- appreciation. And without hesitation, Engine appreciates every single one of its employees and the work they do. It’s not only about the work, it’s about the person too.

What do you think is unique about working at Engine?

Everything. The Engine Team Member DNA is huge and what makes us unique. Everyone is on the same page and pulling for the same thing. It’s refreshing! We are adapting and evolving every day. And it’s a major bonus that we take the time to celebrate wins as a company and as individuals!

What does an average day at Engine look like for you?

It starts the same every morning by pulling our daily bank statement and lockbox to apply payments. After that task, the day can go one of two ways -- hectic or smooth. A smooth day includes cash applications, following up with clients, lots of emails and a credit app here and there. For me, a hectic day is best described as being an octopus. It is a smooth day plus there are several requests that all come in at once for a variety of reasons and this pattern continues throughout the day. I feel like an octopus trying to grab everything up!

What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?

Yoga, brunch, spending time with family and friends, and watching the Denver Broncos, Nashville Predators, Denver Nuggets and Colorado Rockies.

Let’s hear it for your humble brag!

I competed in a math competition and my fast pitch team was undefeated for three years straight – I am a mathlete AND an athlete.

What's your favorite HE value?

Grow or die. I think we have proven that in the past year. We needed to grow and we did. We have been able to adapt and grow with the world throughout this pandemic. Best part, we have been VERY successful! We are just getting started and the sky is the limit!

What’s your favorite thing about living in Colorado?

The beauty of Colorado -- being able to look up and see beautiful mountains. Regardless of the season, Colorado is always beautiful. Plus, I have wanted to move out here since I was in middle school. The fact that I made a dream a reality and moved out here, that’s definitely a favorite! I have family here, and I really love that I can get together with them and watch the Broncos.

If you’re interested in working with people like Jessica, join our incredible team! Check out our open positions on the Engine Careers Page.

Audrey Fairbrother
Article written by
Audrey Fairbrother

Audrey Fairbrother is the Content and SEO Manager at Engine. She spends her days writing about all things business travel, researching topics that are important to Engine's audience and cultivating the company's brand voice.

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